Making Deep Connections, Restoring Trust, & Leading from the Bottom Up
Get Back Into the Game

Get Back Into the Game Everybody has challenges that have come out of this new time horizon. Even if you think you don't, when you have eight to nine weeks of mandated social distancing and isolation, it's going to have an effect on us as humans, right? So, the...

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What’s Changed in Your Arena?

What’s Changed in Your Arena? In Special Forces, Special Operations, we have these things called imperatives. These are the guidelines that move us through complexity, crisis, ambiguity. A lot of the same things that you're facing.  The number one Special Ops...

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Mistakes Leaders Make During Crisis

Mistakes Leaders Make During Crisis We all face crisis as leaders, as organizational leaders, certainly. We live in a dangerous world. We may think we're super sophisticated and we've got everything going on, but as we're seeing today with the coronavirus, with 9/11, with...

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Stories In Business

Stories In Business     It’s a universal reality, whether you are in sales, law enforcement, manufacturing, services, or even teaching, stories are an integral part of how you do your business. Join me around the “campfire” in Old Florida and let’s...

Meet Them Where They Are

Meet Them Where They Are   "Hey Scott, can you help us understand the Millennials? I don't understand them. They don't get it. They don't get where we're coming from." If I had a dime for every time a senior leader has asked me that question, I would be the...

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