Hey, what’s going on Rooftop Nation?
Do you know how to listen with your feet? Cracks me up even saying it, but I’m serious. Do you know how to listen with your feet? This is something that I learned from some really impactful mentors of mine and, kind of later in my life. And by later, I mean in the last couple of years.
But I’ve reintegrated that learning into the Rooftop methodology and it’s the stuff I actually teach now to federal law enforcement who are going in and doing really high stakes interviews and interrogations.
I teach it to special operators who have to go into these low trust areas and connect in very dangerous situations. I teach this to Fortune 100 senior executive sales teams, and this will absolutely work for you too.
Join me by the fire pit and let’s talk about how to begin, “Listening With Your Feet”.
I’ll see you on the Rooftop…