Humans will not take action unless they feel psychologically safe, and unless they feel connected to the other humans around them. Humans will not take action of any kind, they won’t buy from you, they won’t invest in you, they won’t believe in you, they won’t follow you, unless they feel safe and unless they feel connected. 

Meeting people where they are, not where you want them to be, is one of the best ways to do that. Because people are going to be emotional all the time, they’re going to be elevated, they’re going to nervous, they’re going to have a scarcity mindset, they’re going to feel vengeful. There are always these emotions present in some form or another. 

If you can make people feel safe, if you can make them feel connected, there’s a good chance they’ll follow you. This isn’t easy, this takes practice, and one of the best things you can practice is simply meeting people where they are, not where you want them to be.

Join me by the Fire Pit and let’s talk about how we, “Meet Them Where They Are”.

I’ll see you on the Rooftop,

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