Making Deep Connections, Restoring Trust, & Leading from the Bottom Up
Saving an Afghan Commando
https://youtu.be/yCHmUmV7Lrs I’ve been putting this off, but I wanted to share this podcast with you all - it’s “storytelling in real time" about what is happening in Afghanistan and solving hard problems when the world falls apart. In this episode, I’m going to share...

The Battle of Burnout 1
https://youtu.be/uScsB0O5FX0 What's going on Rooftop Nation? So, how has COVID affected you? Talk about a loaded question. But seriously, when you think about the longest running pandemic in modern history, how has it affected you? How has it affected your kids?...

Why the Fire-Pit?
https://youtu.be/jIrMyHbNdJA What's going on Rooftop Nation? I had someone ask me a question the other day, "Scott, why do you always sit in front of the fire when you do these Vlogs?" The way the smoke's hitting me right now, and the way that my boy, Wes, set...
You Are What You Eat
https://youtu.be/of4EoKGUe2s What's going on, Rooftop Nation? You ever heard the old saying' "you are what you eat"? Growing up my mom used to harp on that a lot. But, I believe there's another level to that saying, which is in the realm of social media, which...
The Importance of Journaling Part 2
https://youtu.be/g85hWtMKcpA What's up Rooftop Nation? Welcome to, The Importance of Journaling, Part two. In the last module, we talked about the different types of journals. I gave you a backstory on how I got started with the journaling process and how in even the...
The Importance of Journaling Part 1
https://youtu.be/0bOXyqo5-Ng Hey, what's going on Rooftop Nation? Welcome to, "The Importance of Journaling". This is a two-part series in which we talk about a ritual that can really help you in how you lead yourself and how you lead other people. We live in a time...
Listening With Your Feet
https://youtu.be/m4o6frFtr8c Hey, what's going on Rooftop Nation? Do you know how to listen with your feet? Cracks me up even saying it, but I'm serious. Do you know how to listen with your feet? This is something that I learned from some really impactful mentors of...
Find Your Iron Part 2
https://youtu.be/SvOtHrEObCI Welcome back Rooftop Nation. We're going to pick up with Part Two of, “Find Your Iron”. I introduced this concept in our last module, the old biblical phrase, “Iron Sharpens Iron”. I've always loved that because I do believe it...
Find Your Iron Part 1
https://youtu.be/sDVS3uvsYWY Hey, what's going on, Rooftop Nation? Have you ever heard the old saying that iron sharpens iron? I've always loved that. You hear it in the gyms these days and it seems to be a pretty popular saying, but I do like...
If It’s Simple, Why Do We Fail?
https://youtu.be/PeOcMjiLA4w Hey, what's going on Rooftop Nation? If our dreams and goals are simple, why do we fail? I think that's a really fair question, and it's certainly a question that I ask myself all the time. As a leadership coach and human...
Resilience Over Resistiance
https://youtu.be/wlwkkZ3P0gg The subject of this blog is resilience over resistance. In this time of churn in this time of volatility, uncertainty, crowdedness, complexity, and ambiguity in this era of distraction, disengagement and distrust, and of course,...
Don’t Get Burned
https://youtu.be/wH3DYM3S9ag I want you to think about two very different places. The reality here in this country, and really all around the world, is that people are re-emerging into the sunlight out of this pandemic, in very different emotional states. I will tell...
Managing Mindset Part 2
https://youtu.be/MhZaE_ze9_8 Hey, Rooftop Nation. Last week, we were talking about emotion, and the question that I posed to you was how much does emotion affect your life? How much does it affect your day-to-day? I made a compelling case for you to consider, that...