Making Deep Connections, Restoring Trust, & Leading from the Bottom Up
Keeping Clients on Board

Keeping Clients on Board One of the things that I believe in, is the mindset that the relationship is the asset. I teach this to the Green Beret students at Fort Bragg when I teach in the school-house, and I teach it at Fortune 100 Commercial Banks, that...

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Dr Kendall Haven Author of Story Smart and Story Proof

Dr Kendall Haven Author of Story Smart and Story Proof Have you noticed how hard it is to connect with other people during these uncertain times? Sometimes, it feels like the gaps are as wide as the Grand Canyon doesn’t it?  The most relevant leaders in these times of social challenge are...

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Hard Conversations in the New Normal

Hard Conversations in the New Normal People are going to have to get furloughed. People are going to get laid off. People are going to get fired. You're going to have to tell vendors that you don't use their services anymore.  It's not easy. Because we're meaning...

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