Making Deep Connections, Restoring Trust, & Leading from the Bottom Up
How Do We Return to the Light?

How Do We Return to the Light? How do we return to the light? And, by the light, I'm talking about better days. I'm talking about better ground. I'm talking about thriving instead of surviving. I'm talking about order instead of chaos coming out of this pandemic. ...

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What Will Re-Emergence Look Like?

What Will Re-Emergence Look Like? I’m hearing from a lot of leaders that say, "We're probably not going to fully come back to work in the traditional style. There's going to be a hybrid approach."  This is the big buzzword right now, this hybrid approach, there's been...

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What Will Be Your Last Breath?

What Will Be Your Last Breath? What's going on, Rooftop Leaders?  You hear a lot about Key Performance Indicators these days, don't you? KPIs, more of that corporate jargon, and I'll tell you, admittedly, I use that term myself at times, but I want to talk about a...

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