Making Deep Connections, Restoring Trust, & Leading from the Bottom Up
Imposter Syndrome: Who am I to Do This?

Imposter Syndrome: Who am I to Do This? Who are you not to do it?  What happens if you don't write your book? What happens if you don't put your music out there? Your art, your movie, your ideas. Who are you not to share the lessons you have learned? Who are you not to do...

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Self-Sabotage: Do What Scares You

Self-Sabotage: Do What Scares You Welcome to 2020! This year I am going to talk about pain points that leaders just like you who are playing a bigger game, who want to do something bigger than themselves, who are creating movements, who value connection and impact are...

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Manage Your Anxiety: What if My Nerves Get in the Way?

Manage Your Anxiety: What if My Nerves Get in the Way? We all have to manage different kinds of rooms don't we? Some of us find ourselves on the stage. Some of us are in board rooms or meeting rooms. Some of us are asking donors to invest in our nonprofit to make a difference in the community...

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How to Find Your True North

How to Find Your True North

Living intentionally is pretty tough if you don't know what you were put on this earth to do. It becomes nearly impossible to lead well and inspire others to follow you when you don't have your own compass aligned, first. But how do you find your truth north? How do...

How Do Leaders Live Life Full Out?

How Do Leaders Live Life Full Out?

I lost my father-in-law, Ben McLeod, on July 11, 2016. He was a great man and a great leader. He taught me a lot. He raised a beautiful and loving daughter who is the love of my life. He was also a devoted husband who treated his wife, Betty, like a princess for 52...

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